The story begins with Bruno Duarte and Falco Jambout, a couple who arrives and immediately hooks up with fuck buddies Alexandro Gonzalez and Tibor Cernan. Appropriately, this four-way bout takes place in the castle´s game room, which is equipped with a billiards table. Falco, a dark, handsome, sinuous beauty, becomes the centerpiece, quite literally, of the early action, offering his body up to the other three, standing on the pool table and delivering more than one "sticks and balls" double entendres. Falco´s many talents include the ability to produce cum-shots that spew with great trajectory and volume, most memorably blasting off while he´s being fucked by one of the pool cues. Falco´s lover, Bruno, also gets his chance to shine, lying down and taking Alexandro´s thick piece missionary-style while the other three studs take turns anointing his buff, smooth torso with their spunk.